The fruits of my recent labours. The beige one is oatmeal, milk, and honey, and contains colloidal oatmeal and goat milk powder. No actual honey because sugary things can cause yeast infections. :/ The pink and white one is rose scented, the solid light yellow-y one is champagne and smells hella boozy. The turquoise, orange, and yellow one is called tropical honeymoon, and is scented with a mix of pineapple, coconut, frangipani, and margarita. The frangipani was incredibly strong and overpowering when it was first made, but thankfully it has mellowed a bit and you can actually smell the coconut now. And the purple and white one on top that is not wrapped yet (because I just made it) is called seduction; it is fragranced with a mix of jasmine and sandalwood, a combination I quite enjoy. The white dots are 1:1 sodium bicarb:citric acid with no oils or solubilizers, to provide some really active fizzing, and maybe some spin; there are a few more white chunks buried inside.
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