I have been so neglectful of my blog! I have good excuses though. Along with my two craft shows, I also moved and started a new job!
I have only just started alechmizing again. I made a custom order of body wash for a lady who came to my craft shows... body wash in Jean Naté fragrance! Remember that stuff!? When I was a kid it felt like every bathroom I ever visited had one of those mini bottles of Jean Naté after-bath-splash gathering dust on a shelf over the toilet. Bizarrely, the fragrance is growing on me a little; it's very lemon-y and a bit powdery too. It's a strange combination, but kinda nice.
Anyway, the formula is very similar to Gersh-wash 2.0, with a little added DLS surfactant (which I'm kind of feeling is really drying, even though it is supposed to be super gentle...), some added honeyquat for skin moisturizing, and minus the glycol distrearate, since if I recall what Gersh told me correctly, it may have separated out of her batch.
Still have to bottle it up and label it before I can let one very excited customer know her product is ready. Yay alchemy! :D
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